Monday, December 19, 2011

Take Time to Ponder

I've always loved Christmas.  I love the season.  I love the lights, the decorations, the smells, the music, and when I lived in the proper climate for it, I loved the snow.  Fog isn't my favorite thing, but I'll settle.  I've always loved the story of Christmas.  I love thinking about the baby Jesus.  I've pondered on the miracle, and I've sympathized and agonized with Mary.  Nothing can spoil Christmas for me; not even the year my stepson was killed in December.  Life moves on.

Life gets busy, however, during the Christmas season.  I'm not above getting frazzled with everyone else at the hustle and bustle of the season.  When my children were small, I sometimes wondered if I would get through it all with my sanity in tact.  I loved it all just the same.

This year is different.  Now that I'm not working, there is more time.  The other morning we got out of bed, went to the living room, turned on the Christmas lights and some Christmas music and cuddled on the couch for about an hour before breakfast.  We didn't really talk much.  We just looked at the lights, the nativity sets, and contemplated on the birth of the Saviour.  That hour was very special to me, and it has completely dominated my thoughts and changed my attitude ever since.  It has improved my outlook, and changed my interactions with others.

There are a few days left before Christmas.  I know life is busy, but take a few minutes -- or even an hour -- and contemplate the reason we all do what we do.  Maybe it will mean getting up before the children, or staying up a little longer at night.  It will be worth it to renew your bond with Jesus Christ.

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